Are you a support coordinator wanting to know more about Individualised Living Options (ILO)? How it can work with Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)? Scope and Guide You Home have teamed up, with the help of guest speaker Marita Walker, to deliver the next two webinars as part of our Support Coordinator Info Series.
Session 1 – ILO
In Session 1, we tackle the basics in ILO. By the end of this session, you should feel comfortable knowing how it works, the two stages and the common models of ILO. There is time dedicated for Q&A, so you can get the answers to all your questions from the experts.
Session 2
We deep dive, getting into the details of how it can work, with plenty of examples. By the end of the session, you’ll have a firm understanding of how flexible ILO can be, what is possible, and feel ready to get started.
Marita Walker
Former CEO of Perth Home Care Services and NDIA Trial Site Manager
Marita was the CEO of Perth Home Care Services, one of the early organisations in WA to work in partnership with people and families with individualised funding to develop living arrangements around the individual. She joined NDIA as the inaugural Trial Site Manager in WA in 2014 and joined a national team to work on the development of policy on what is now called Individualised Living Options.
Hayley Maxwell
NSW Support Coordination Manager, Scope Australia
Hayley Maxwell works at Scope, a disability service provider supporting people for over 70 years in Victoria and has now expanded into NSW. Hayley, NSW manager for Support Coordination, is passionate about exploring innovative models for NDIS participants especially when it comes to finding a home. Hayley collaborates with Allied health professionals and other SC’s to design tools, unpack participant needs as well as well as support them to understand emerging and re-emerging NDIS housing models