As a proud advocate for people living with disabilities, BlueCHP desires to better educate the Specialist Disability Accommodation sector by providing information for participants, family members, guardians, support coordinators and supported independent living providers (SILs).
We aim to publish articles on a regular basis, to discuss topics within the sector, explain issues, raise concerns, and more.
Furthermore, if you ask – we will do our best to answer.
The industry is plagued by poorly designed Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) housing, a lack of understanding about obtaining SDA, and investors believing they will make high, double-digit returns. There is often a lack of knowledge about several factors, including the SDA Funding Guide, and the dwellings being both a home and a workplace for participants and carers, respectively.
BlueCHP is a Tier 1 Community Housing Provider (CHP) registered under the National Regulatory Scheme for Community Housing. We are also a registered SDA Provider under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.
We operate in NSW, ACT, QLD, VIC and SA. BlueCHP have SDA Housing Specialists in our NSW, VIC and QLD offices.
BlueCHP has been building specialist disability housing since 2015, when we completed our first group home for the NSW government at Springwood in the Blue Mountains. To date, we have delivered over 400 SDA resident places.
At BlueCHP, we have learned many lessons that we intend to share with the sector. We believe in having quality, functional homes at the forefront of our operations.
Guide You Home Seven-Step Process
As a general philosophy, BlueCHP includes participants in the journey of designing and building a home to meet their needs. We have built apartments, villas, townhouses and houses under all NDIS Design Categories – High Physical Support (HPS), Robust (RT), Fully Accessible (FA) and Improved Liveability (IL).
At BlueCHP, we believe that good design is the key to creating a life-long home for Participants, enabling them to age in place. BlueCHP provides tenancy arrangements for up to 60 years.
The Guide You Home Process is unique to BlueCHP, and results from the last 10 years of delivering disability housing. It continues to evolve as regulations, procedures of the NDIS, and building codes change.
Financial Partnerships
BlueCHP has partnerships with a number of financiers that enable us to procure funds for the construction of homes. BlueCHP retains the legal title of the homes. Our partner, For Purpose Investment Partners (FPIP), is a not-for-profit funds manager with a mandate to invest in areas that create social impact in society.
Access to Resources
We will continue to publish articles, providing resource material for Support Coordinators, SILs, Participants, and others. We hope to give people navigating SDA a clear and transparent roadmap.
As CEO of BlueCHP, I affirm that we are committed to ensuring that our most vulnerable Australians can enjoy a fulfilling life.
Charles Northcote
BlueCHP Chief Executive Officer